The Chaos Inside: Australian Supernatural: Goldfields - Book Three Read online

  The Chaos Inside

  Australian Supernatural: Goldfields - Book Three

  Nicole R. Taylor

  The Chaos Inside (Australian Supernatural: Goldfields - Book Three) by Nicole R. Taylor

  Copyright © 2022 by Nicole R. Taylor

  All rights reserved.

  This book is written in British/AU English.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design: Miblart

  Edited by: Silvia Curry


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  NEXT: The Ruin Beneath

  Australian Supernatural: Goldfields

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  About Nicole

  Chapter 1

  Thunder cracked in the sky above, the boom echoing through the heaving darkness.

  Fiona stood alone, her boots sticking in the thick mud underfoot. Every movement sucked her deeper into the mire, so she huddled within the hollow, afraid to take even the tiniest of breaths.

  Lightning arced, the jagged bolt illuminating a swirl of twisted figures around her, and she began to sob. She was afraid, so afraid.

  There was no way of knowing how long she’d been here, let alone how she’d arrived. Her last memory had been snatched away, but she knew there was something beyond.

  Flashes of light filled her pocket of gloom, the splotches showing bursts of images, playing like a film in a darkened cinema. Bodies hovering in the air. Blood. Screams. And a lingering malice just beyond her reach.

  A gust of wind buffeted her body and she stumbled, her boots sticking into the mud as a stab of uncontrollable fear grabbed hold of her heart.

  “Let me out!” she screeched at the sky. “Let me out!”

  The air flowed around her, swirling the tormented spirits into a tornado, then a blast of energy tore it apart, scattering the darkness and dislodging her from the mud.

  Fiona’s panicked cries were torn from her mouth as she whirled into the air, the sucking vortex letting go of her spirit and casting her into the light…

  Her eyes flew open and she gasped, the dream fading into the back of her mind. The sensation of falling remained and her heart galloped as her head spun.


  She blinked, her senses rising from the heaviness of sleep. Awareness came back in pieces at first—the warmth of a soft bed, the glow of a lamp, the scent of lavender, the residue of magic in the air. Then the feeling that she wasn’t alone.

  Turning her head, she squinted at the figure as they came into focus.

  Holly Burke. Though Fiona had never met her, she’d recognise her anywhere—the family resemblance was uncanny. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a plait, though wispy curls stuck out around her ears, and she wore an oversized black jumper with a silver star pattern. She was definitely Hannah’s niece.

  Holly set down a black-covered notebook on the bedside table and reached for a glass of water. “Here,” she said, offering her the glass. “I’ve got some headache tablets if you need them.”

  Fiona blinked and pulled the quilt up around her. “W-what am I doing here?”

  “There was an incident in the diggings.” She grimaced. “I kind of blasted you with magic, but it knocked the spirit right outta you.”


  “Ah…” Holly made a face. “You were possessed by the spirit of Hazel Burke, but don’t worry, I got her out of you.”

  “What?” Fiona sat up, the motion causing her head to throb. Pressing her palms against her temples, she groaned.

  “Here.” Holly held out the water again.

  She fumbled for the glass and medicine, downing two of the little white tablets at once.

  “Do you remember anything?” the witch asked. “Anything at all?”

  “I was…” Fiona frowned. Her memories were all jumbled, and there were images she didn’t remember living through. Disjointed flashes sent a pang of dread into her heart. Were they nightmares?

  “Samantha said it’d take time for stuff to make sense again. That you might remember some things, but not others.”

  She jerked backwards, her shoulders hitting the headboard. “Samantha Dunne?”

  “Oh!” Holly exclaimed. “I’m not with the Trine. One hundred percent no, but there are…things that’ve happened.”

  “Things?” Her breath caught as she realised being possessed by Hazel Burke wasn’t exactly a good thing. “What did she make me do?”

  “Well,” Holly began, holding up her hands, “to begin, we’re not on the same side as Hazel. She’s on her own side, and it’s not a good one. Second, there’s a thing with a vortex and an anomaly, and something about a hole in the fabric of space time. The details are still a little foggy.” She sighed. “I suppose the best way of putting it, is that the shit has hit the fan…and has splattered all over the walls.”

  “I know the feeling.” Fiona downed the rest of the water, her scowl deepening.

  “It’s okay,” the witch said, “I get it. You’ve been through a lot lately.”

  “If I was possessed by Hazel Burke, then…” She narrowed her eyes at Holly. “Why am I here? What do you have to do with it? You’re a Burke.”

  “Believe me, I’m definitely not on board the Hazel crazy train. She’s kidnapped my, uh…friend, killed two out of three Trine members, and is currently on the loose, plotting to possess me this time. Permanently, I might add, which is totally not cool.”

  Fiona stared at her, her heart skipping a beat every time Holly stumbled over a new revelation. Trine members dead? Permanent possession? Kidnapping? What kind of mess had she been dragged into?

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to bombard you,” Holly murmured, her cheeks heating. “We’ve got time to straighten out the backstory.” Her expression brightened. “I bet you’re hungry, right? And you probably want a shower. Here.” She picked up a pile of clothes and set them on the bed. “I put together some things you can borrow, and there’s clean towels in the bathroom. What do you like to eat? Pizza? Everyone likes pizza.”

  Fiona grimaced. “You’re rambling.”

  “I’m nervous, and when I’m nervous, I either freeze or ramble. Usually I freeze, because social anxiety, but I’m so wired after channelling the anomaly, even though it was only for a second. Then there’s the fact I spent a whole month getting to know you, or I thought I did, and now you’re the real you.” She groaned and slapped her hand on her forehead. “And now you think I’m a freak.”

  “Well, at least I know you’re not plotting anything evil. A performance like that is hard to fake.”

  “Uh, thanks?”

  She set the glass on the bedside table, trying not to focus on the realisation that she’d been possessed by an almost two-hundred-year-old witch for the last month. “I’ve got questions.”

  “And I’ll answer them all,” Holly said. “The best I can, anyway.”

  Fiona felt her Legacy simmer as it began to trickle back into being. Closing her eyes, she let the glimmer fill her nerve endings and reach towards the earth. As drained as she was feeling, she could still sense the lingering magic around the cottage…and inside Holly Burke.

  Fiona let out a sigh of relief. There was nothing dark about her, and the more she allowed her Legacy to linger, the more Holly reminded her of Hannah. Not that she’d known the older witch well before she’d died, but their tarot lessons had been the highlight of her week.

  Whatever had happened here, there wasn’t anything evil left behind. She could trust Holly…at least, for now.

  “Are you all right?” Holly asked, not realising she’d just been probed by magic. “Are the tablets working? Can I get you anything?”

  “Yeah, actually…pizza sounds nice,” she managed to reply. “As long as we can get a Hawaiian.”

  “Cool. One Hawaiian and one Aussie. Garlic bread?”

  “Sure. Why not?”

  Holly grinned and took her phone out of her pocket. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I suppose. Maybe I should’ve led with that.”

  By the time the pizza arrived—apparently humans had no issues getting through magical barriers—Fiona had emerged from the shower.

  Holly set dinner up in the lounge, cleaning all the books off the coffee table and lighting a fire to combat the chilly autumn evening.

  Fiona sat gingerly on the couch as if her entire body was aching, then looked around the room, studying every inch of the space.

  Holly thought she saw her eyes linger a little too long on the hidden floorboard where she kept the Burke grimoire, but she moved to the pizza a beat later. Maybe it was just her imagination. A lot of stuff h
ad gone down over the last few days, and after channelling the anomaly, she felt like she’d been chugging an endless supply of caffeinated energy drinks.

  Honestly, she was beginning to see the allure of ultimate power…and the danger it posed.

  “This is Hannah’s house,” Fiona said.

  “Yeah,” Holly mused, flipping open the lid of the topmost pizza box. “I suppose it’s the headquarters of the spiritual resistance now.” It was the Aussie pizza, so she set it aside. “Did you know her well? My aunt?”

  “A little,” the witch replied. “She was teaching me tarot before she passed, but we’d always meet at a café or the library.” So that part was true. All the best lies were rooted in truth, after all. “I’d never been to her house. I like it. It’s…warm.”

  “Me, too.” Holly grinned, glad Fiona seemed to be feeling a little better.

  “I tested you with my magic earlier,” the witch went on. “You didn’t seem to sense it.”

  “You what?” She blinked.

  “Well, you’re a stranger with a wild story, and I’ve got a hell of a headache… There’s a whole chunk of missing time I’d really like to get to the bottom of, but I’m not just going to believe the first thing someone tells me.”

  “That’s fair enough.” She offered Fiona the pizza box that had the Hawaiian. “This is yours.”

  The witch took the box, her brow creasing. “Why didn’t you sense it?”

  “Hannah bound my Legacy when I was a child,” Holly explained. “I think she did it after my mother passed away, but I’m not entirely sure. I was definitely young enough not to remember having magic. When I came here and found out what she’d been dealing with—you know, with the Trine and the diggings—it was a bit of a shock.”

  “What exactly was happening with her and the Trine?” Fiona asked. “I knew there was bad blood between them, but not the cause.”

  “Well…” She made a face. “The Trine had this story about the Burke bloodline having a special witch destined to be born at some unknown point in time, who’d allegedly have the power to tap into unlimited magic. Kinda like a battery that keeps its charge. They called it ‘the conduit’. So, for two hundred years, the Trine has been opening Burke witches to steal their Legacy. That’s what they did to Hannah.”

  Fiona paled. “Oh.”

  “That’s not the half of it,” Holly went on. “Wait until you hear the part about Hazel Burke being the conduit, and it wasn’t because she was any more special than any other witch. The Burke bloodline has an affinity with the fifth element, spirit, so when she found a magical anomaly in the diggings back in the 1850s, she was able to tap into it. When the Trine killed her, she was channelling the thing, so her death created the vortex that’s been trapping all those spirits ever since.”

  “So any Burke witch, or any related coven, could’ve channelled the anomaly?”

  “Bingo.” Holly took a bite of pizza. “A lot of witches, including my aunt, lost their lives for a big fat zero. Then, there were the vampires.”


  “Yeah,” she replied, her voice muffled as she chewed. “Vampires, as in plural.” She filled Fiona in on Jin and Patrick, and everything that had happened since the former had awoken inside the Union Reef Mine.

  “So Hazel has been trying to manipulate you all from inside the mine,” Fiona mused. “She compelled you to go in and wake up Jin, whose love she counted on to ultimately help possess you. But how did she escape the vortex?”

  “Sarah Dunne,” Holly told her. “She wanted revenge on Jin because he killed her father. There was a ritual she did in the diggings… Well, it opened a door, and Hazel was able to slip out.”

  Fiona lowered her gaze and picked at the toppings on her pizza.

  “I wasn’t able to save her,” Holly continued. “Jin killed her before the spirit possessing her body was able to open me up. There was a moment right before where she was able to reach me, and that’s how my Legacy was unbound. She wanted to help.”

  “Bloody hell,” the witch murmured. “This is why I never wanted to join a coven.” She shook her head and worried her bottom lip for a moment. “So everything she did while in my body was to find a way to escape the diggings?”

  “Yep. I was able to stop her ritual at the last moment, but it’s still active I suppose. She sacrificed Kate and Miranda, and almost did Samantha in. She needed Burke magic, so she used your body to link to mine. Then, she channeled my Legacy through the anomaly and into the ritual. Samantha said I was able to reverse the connection and overload the spell. The explosion knocked her spirit right out of you and broke her compulsion on Patrick, but she possessed Jin and used him to escape.” Holly took a deep breath and let it out in one long whoosh. When it was all put together like that, it sounded absolutely bonkers. “And that’s the story of how Samantha Dunne and I became ‘friends’.”

  “And where does that leave us?” Fiona wondered. “This happened last night. She’s out there somewhere…” She trailed off, the slice of pizza in her hand dropping back into the box on her lap.

  “Well, all she has to do is knock Samantha off her perch and her spirit will be free from the vortex. Then all bets are off, I suppose.”

  “And what about you? If she was going to possess you permanently, then she would’ve put anchors in your spirit.”

  Holly hesitated. “Yeah…she did.”

  “And she used me to do it.” Fiona let out a groan and speared her fingers through her hair. “What else did she make me do?”

  “You didn’t do anything,” Holly told her. “Hazel did those things.”

  Fiona tensed as her cheeks paled.

  Holly reached out, placing hand on her knee. “Are you okay?”

  “I-I’m…” Her shoulders began to rise and fall sharply. “I think it’s starting to sink in.”

  Holly climbed up onto the couch and sat beside her, moving the pizza box to the coffee table. “It wasn’t you who did those things, Fiona,” she said again. “You can’t blame yourself. You didn’t have control.”

  “Hazel used my Legacy to manipulate the entire town and enslaved a vampire to do evil. She—” The witch began to sob, tears falling from her eyes. “It’s my Legacy she’s tainted. Mine. I-I feel dirty.”

  Holly frowned, not knowing what to say or do to make Fiona feel better. How could anyone console someone who’d been possessed by an evil spirit? It was a complete violation, not only on a physical level, but on a spiritual level, too.

  All she could do was wrap her arms around her and let her cry as their pizza grew cold.

  Chapter 2

  Patrick skulked around his tiny one-bedroom unit, dragging a purple rubbish bag behind him.

  He was broken, alone, and with no way to protect himself from the onslaught of dark witches trying to invade Dunloe from beyond the grave.

  He picked up the remaining yellow Post-it notes that’d littered his unit and tossed them into the rubbish bag. They were the last of his memories tied to his alleged compulsion by the Trine. Two centuries of control that had begun to erode the moment the spell was cast. Free will had always been in his grasp, he’d just been too afraid to take it.

  His lack of spine was why he’d been so easily manipulated by Hazel Burke’s spirit. She was using Fiona’s earth Legacy, too. It wasn’t exactly the right kind of magic for the job compared to the spiritual power of the Burke bloodline, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, he supposed. He’d been so willing to accept his weakness that it’d taken hardly anything at all for her to take him over.

  It was by his hand that the police constable, Hank Judge, had been murdered. It was Patrick who had kidnapped all three Trine members and delivered two to their deaths. Holly had been taken captive and was used in a dark ritual because he’d taken her by force. And it was because of him that Jin was now lost and possessed by Hazel.